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Frequently Asked Questions
A collection of quick answers for our members' most-asked questions
Does Flodesk have an RSS feature?
Where can I submit a feature request?
Can I add an admin or VA to my Flodesk account?
iOS 15 Mail Privacy Protection FAQs
How can I view my email after it has been sent?
Obtaining permission from your subscribers
What is the right image size for Layout blocks or opt-in forms
How do I move my subscriber list from my old provider to Flodesk?
How do I get started with a freebie opt-in offer on Flodesk?
Can I use multiple brands with my Flodesk account?
How is Flodesk different from other email platforms out there?
Can I add a GIF into an email?
After moving to Flodesk my emails started to go to spam. What should I do?
What to do if my email gets clipped in Gmail
Can I use Flodesk on my iPad?
What to do when you can't upload an image or see any editing tools
Can I add custom HTML code to an email?
Does Flodesk have a Public Roadmap?