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What to do when you can't upload an image or see any editing tools
What to do when you can't upload an image or see any editing tools

For those cases when something suddenly doesn’t seem to work in the email editor or form editor

Petra Molnar avatar
Written by Petra Molnar
Updated over a week ago

Do you know that feeling when you’re so absorbed in doing something that time flies by? That you even forgo logging out of the platform and just pick it up the next day from where you’ve left it?

We truly hope that’s how you feel when designing your emails and building your workflows in Flodesk ✨

And we understand that it can come as a real fright when suddenly you’re facing issues like:

  • You can’t upload an image to your email design.

  • You can't see any editing tools when trying to create a form.

  • You've been trying to edit an email for hours and everything is empty and looks weird.

I have only good news: it's nothing you did and it's easy to fix 🔧.

Why does this happen?

If you use the platform heavily for a long time, it can begin to slow down and glitch just like the other web-based WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editors—and ours performs much better than most!

When you see glitches like this, do the following:

Step 1. Log out Flodesk
Step 2. Clear your browser cache
Step 3. Log back in

Problem should be solved! 

Also make sure you aren’t running a lot of heavy programs on your computer at the same time.

If you tried the above steps, and you’re getting the same issues you may have found a unicorn 🦄—that's how we call bugs in the platform. In this case contact with your account details for further assistance.

Let's sum it up

If you can't upload your image or see any editing tools, your best bet is to log out of Flodesk and clear your browser cache. For 99,98% it solves the matter—for anything else contact with your account details.

More to learn:

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