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Filtering your subscribers
Filtering your subscribers

A step by step guide on how to filter your subscribers based on a complex range of criteria

Petra Molnar avatar
Written by Petra Molnar
Updated over 8 months ago

Narrowing down a group of subscribers based on specific criteria can be vital to managing and segmenting a successful email list. Like selecting subscribers who came in through multiple specific opt-in forms and adding them to a new segment to retarget with an email offer or a workflow.

Having the ability to group subscribers according to a certain set of behaviors, sources, or other data points can open up opportunities for targeting your subscribers with extremely relevant content.

Flodesk offers a powerful and exciting way to filter your subscribers based on whether they meet a certain set of conditions. 

From there, you can apply bulk actions to add these filtered results to a segment, remove them from a segment, delete them from your list, or unsubscribe them from your entire list.

How do I filter my subscribers?

Step 1. Head to the Audience > All Subscribers or Audience > Segments area of your account, depending on where you'd like to manage your subscribers. 

Click the Filter option on the top right area of the screen, next to the Add subscriber button—similar to the image below. 

Step 2. Clicking this Filter option will open up your subscriber filter pop-up screen.

Filtering subscribers based on their status

The Status filter allows you to filter your subscribers based on whether they're

  • Active: They are still eligible to get your emails

  • Unsubscribed: They have unsubscribed from your entire list and can't receive emails. To get back as an active subscriber, they have to sign up again via a Flodesk opt-in form.

  • Unconfirmed: They have not confirmed their subscription to your email list yet (double opt-in). To start getting your emails as an active subscriber, they need to click the link in the double opt-in confirmation email first.

  • Bounced: Their email address has hard bounced and can't receive any more emails from you. To get back as an active subscriber, they have to sign up again with a different email address.

  • Marked spam: They have marked your email as spam in their email client. To get back as an active subscriber, they have to sign up again via a Flodesk opt-in form.

  • Cleaned: These subscribers were automatically scrubbed from your email list.

Filtering subscribers based on their last active dates

The Activity filter lets you filter your subscribers based on whether they've been active within a certain timeframe of your choosing.

Activity includes any of the following actions taken by the subscriber: opened, clicked, subscribed, unsubscribed, or marked as spam.

Filtering subscribers based on the source they came from

The Source filter allows you to filter your subscribers based on where they came from to your email list: 

  • Added manually

  • CSV import

  • Form opt-in

  • Integration

  • Checkout.

You can get even granular by defining exactly which form(s), integrations or checkout you'd like to filter for. Simply start typing or select the required data from the drop-downs.

Example of filtering subscribers who came from the same opt-in form

Example of filtering subscribers who came from the same integration

Example of filtering subscribers who came from the same checkout

Filtering subscribers based on the segment(s) they are or they aren't in

The Segments filter lets you filter your subscribers based on which segment(s) they're in. You can use the Any or All selectors, and then start typing to the search field to find a segment or use the drop-down to select them.

You can also use the none selector to find subscribers who aren't in certain segment(s) and then add them to a new segment via the bulk actions.

Filtering subscribers based on matching data fields

The Data fields filter allows you to filter your subscribers based on your subscribers' custom data field(s) that you created through your opt-in form or during a CSV upload. Choose the required fields from the drop-down.

Step 3. Once you've specified your filter parameters, hit the Apply filter button to see the results.

You can then use the Select all checkbox at the top of your filter results listing to bulk select and apply actions to these results, including:

  • Delete the selected subscriber(s) record from your entire list.

  • Unsubscribe the selected subscriber(s) from your entire list, from all segments.

  • Add to segment: Choose the segment(s) from the drop-down you want to add the selected subscriber(s) to.

  • Remove from segment: Choose the segment(s) you want to remove the selected subscriber(s) from.

If you filtered and selected your unconfirmed subscribers, you can resend them the double opt-in confirmation in bulk.

Some real-world use cases for the subscriber filtering system:


Flodesk allows you to filter your subscribers based on a wide range of conditions that you can easily customize. You may filter your subscribers in your general list or within a segment and then apply bulk actions.

To filter your subscribers:

  • Head to the Audience > All Subscribers or Audience > Segments area of your account

  • Click the Filter option on the top right area of the screen

  • Set your filtering conditions

  • Hit Apply filter

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