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How can I see how my workflow performed?
How can I see how my workflow performed?

Learn all about your Workflow analytics.

Petra Molnar avatar
Written by Petra Molnar
Updated today

Workflows help you send automated emails so you can do more—and reach more people—in less time.

With our Workflow analytics, you can quickly understand how all the emails in your Workflow are working together to engage your subscribers or keep track of re-engagement campaigns. This includes stats on how each email in your Workflow performed, as well as an overview of your Workflow performance.

How to find your Workflow analytics report

To view your new workflow analytics report, go to your Workflows dashboard, click the bar graph in the lower right corner of any published Workflow, and click View details.

On the Overview tab, you'll find an overview of your Workflow's performance.

Overview tab

At a glance

Just like in your standalone email analytics, you'll find an At a glance view. It gives you a summary of your Workflow, showing you:

  • How many subscribers entered the Workflow

  • What the name of the Workflow is

  • How many subscribers are still active in a Workflow step

Clicking on each bar graph column will show you additional details on those metrics.


Next, you can see the Overall open rate and Overall click rate % of your workflow.

Opens / Clicks by device

Knowing whether your subscribers like to read your emails on their desktop or mobile devices can help you optimize your email design for even greater engagement.

To learn how to design emails by preferred device type, check out Email design best practices for desktop and mobile.

Details tab

You can see each individual step in the Workflow and its statistics on the Details tab.

Just click on the bar graph on any of the Workflow steps, and then click on the figures to drill down into more details.

Let's sum it up!

To view your new workflow analytics report, go to your Workflows dashboard, click the bar graph in the lower right corner of any published Workflow, and click View details.

On the Overview tab, you can explore overall workflow analytics, and on the Details tab, you can drill down into each workflow step to see their performance.

More to learn:

If you need technical assistance, please submit a support ticket via email at support[at] mentioning your Flodesk account login email with a detailed description of your problem.

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