If you're loving Flodesk and already shouting it from the rooftops, first of all, we want to say thank you.
And we also want to mean it—so we created an affiliate program that lets you win when we win.
👉 Give your audience 50% off Flodesk for the first year of their paid subscription and get $19 for every new member that joins through your link.
Here's how to get your affiliate link:
Make sure you're logged in
Go to your account (click on your avatar on the top right)
Click on Share Flodesk 💸
Get your affiliate link and make someone's day!
See below example how a referral dashboard looks like with an affiliate link in Flodesk:
We get it. The default affiliate link isn’t easy to remember. It’s made up of random letters and numbers. But the good news is that you can customize it. Just make sure to do this before you start sharing it!
Here’s how to customize the affiliate link:
Step 1. Click on that pencil icon next to your affiliate link
Step 2. Update the last section of the link to something that you can easily remember. It can be your name or your business’ name. It’s up to you! Then save your changes.
Now that you have customized and shared your Flodesk affiliate link with all your business besties, you may be wondering:
How do I get paid out for referrals?
To see your referral dashboard go to your Account settings > Share Flodesk menu.
Scroll down on the screen and your referral dashboard should look similar to the below image:
Your referral dashboard shows:
Your total earnings
Upcoming payouts
Total earnings: Your total revenue earned from the Flodesk affiliate program. This includes upcoming payouts.
Upcoming payouts: Recent earnings scheduled to be paid.
Note: Payouts automatically happen two weeks after a commission is earned.
Paypal email (for payouts): The PayPal account will automatically deposit your earnings in 2 weeks after a commission is earned. For security reasons, Flodesk only offers payouts via PayPal.
For additional details about your affiliate area check The Flodesk affiliate dashboard article.